Information Security Engineer
TaipeiLINE Pay TaiwanEngineeringSecurity EngineeringFull-time
LINE Pay is the top mobile payment company in Taiwan. We strive to provide convenient and safe services. This role is to ensure the security and quality of a wide range services and products developed by LINE Pay. We are looking for a person who is professional in security field to join us.
- 統籌個資盤點暨風險評鑑作業
- 個資保護合約條款審閱
- 維護資安及個資保護相關內部規範(如「資訊安全管理辦法」、「個資安全維護計畫」)
- 執行現場資安及個資保護教育訓練
- 維護用戶及平台業者隱私權政策
- 統籌行動應用APP基本資安標章相關作業
- 執行釣魚演練
- 執行來自業務單位的資安及個資保護相關諮詢
- 實際執行資安維運相關例行作業(如軟體安裝清單檢視、帳號盤點、弱掃/滲透測試發現事項跟催...等等)
- 統籌資安事件處理(包含釣魚)
- 與各單位(如IT、BD、LY Corporation)協調合規工作以確保公司符合新的法令法規要求
- 執行第三方資安風險評估作業
- PI inventory review and risk assessment
- Contract review (PI protection clauses)
- Maintain information security and personal data policies (such as “Information Security Management Procedure” and "Personal Information Security Maintenance Plan", etc.)
- Conduct onsite security and PI protection awareness training
- Maintain privacy policy for users and merchants
- Mobile Application Security(MAS) certification coordination
- Execute phishing drill
- Perform security consulting in different business scenario
- Hands-on routine security operation(such as software installation review, user access review, VA/PT issue tracking, ...etc.)
- Coordinate information security incident handling(including phishing case)
- Coordinate with different teams, including IT and BD and LY Corporation, to comply with new regulatory request
- Conduct third party risk assessment
Required Qualifications
- 五年以上資安工作經驗,包括具備資安專案管理的專業能力
- 具備良好人際溝通能力
- 具備基本英文溝通能力(聽說讀寫)
- 5 years or more of experience in information security, including expertise in security project management
- Good interpersonal communication skills
- Basic proficiency in English (listening, speaking, reading, and writing)
Preferred Qualifications
- 有資安相關證照(如ISO27001LA、BS10012LA)等尤佳
- 有資安管理(ISMS)或個資管理(PIMS)相關經驗尤佳
- 有金融業經驗尤佳
- 有日文或韓文能力尤佳
- Relevant certification in information security (such as ISO27001LA and BS10012LA) is a plus
- Experience in ISMS or PIMS is a plus
- Experience in the financial industry is a plus
- Proficiency in Japanese or Korean is a plus