BD Sales Manager / Associate Manager

LINE Pay TaiwanBusiness & SalesSales, Business DevelopmentFull-time
Business development team is in charge of developing business opportunities and generating revenue for LINE Pay. 
BD team needs to build long-term relationships with existing partners, find new partners, build new business model and drive sales. We are looking for a passionate candidate who is willing to turn possibility into reality and to expand the team with energy and strategy when we are actively developing business opportunities.
As a key member of this fast-growing business, excellent communication skills, can-do spirit, resilience, and strategic mind are essential to make history together.
As a BD manager, your primary goal is to lead the team to achieve various objectives and establish major business relationships within the city, including with the government, commercial districts, or chain enterprises. Ideally, you should have experience in store promotions. You will be responsible for promoting mobile payments and leading the team in cooperation to create more application scenarios and provide good marketing product tools for stores.

In this role, you will be able to:

  • Evaluate partners and establish effective cooperation methods
  • Execute strategies and promotional activities with partners to meet mutual expectations
  • Assess the consumption characteristics of the city and evaluate city-specific marketing activities
  • Increase the coverage of mobile payments in key commercial areas, enhancing the consumer experience
  • Design incentive activities to encourage the team to achieve targets
  • Improve team operation processes and manage support resources
  • Collaborate across departments to solve business process execution problems
  • Train team members to enhance knowledge of various mobile payment products
  • Maintain and analyze data regarding the development status of the designated city
  • Perform presentation demos for investment promotion at public events
  • Develop city development strategies and conduct monthly and weekly routine reports



  • Team and new business development capabilities
    - More than 3 years of sales experience, with over 1 year in mobile payment promotion is preferred
    - Experience in managing a sales team is preferred
  • Keen market trends and user insights
  • Cross-departmental coordination and presentation skills
  • Proficiency in office software
    - Familiarity with office software operations, such as Gmail, Excel, Google Sheets
  • Independent thinking and problem-solving abilities
  • Possession of a car or motorcycle driver's license


BD團隊負責開發商機並為 LINE Pay 創造收入。BD團隊需要與現有合作夥伴建立長期關係,尋找新合作夥伴,構建新商業模式並推動銷售。我們正在尋找一位充滿熱情的候選人,願意將可能變為現實,並在我們積極開發商機時,以活力和策略擴展團隊。作為這個快速成長業務的關鍵成員,優秀的溝通能力、實幹精神、韌性和策略思維是共同創造歷史的必要條件。




  • 評估合作夥伴並建立有效的合作方式
  • 與合作夥伴執行策略和促銷活動,達成雙方期待
  • 判斷該城市的消費特色,評估城市專屬行銷活動
  • 提升重點商圈行動支付覆蓋率,提升消費者使用體驗
  • 設計激勵活動,促使團隊達成目標
  • 改進團隊運營流程並管理支援資源
  • 跨部門合作解決業務流程執行問題
  • 培訓團隊同仁,針對行動支付各產品知識提升
  • 針對指定城市發展現況做資料維護及分析
  • 配合公開活動中,進行招商簡報的演示
  • 擬定城市發展策略,進行每月及每週的例行報告
  • 團隊與陌生開發能力
    - 具3年以上業務經驗,行動支付推廣經驗1年以上者佳
    - 具備業務團隊管理經驗者佳
  • 敏銳的市場趨勢和用戶洞察
  • 具備跨部門協調與簡報能力
  • 文書處理軟體操作
    - 熟悉文書處理軟體操作,如 Gmail、Excel、Google Sheet
  • 獨立思考與問題解決能力
  • 具備汽機車駕照

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